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Emergency Alerts  Emergency Alerts  

When you put out emergency alerts invariably you are going to have parents that won't hear or see them. This leaves you with children that you have no way to send home, or children that will end up in an empty house -- something you don't want to do. Emergency alerts are supposed to help you contact parents but they do not always work, giving rise for a better system that will ensure the best chance that your parents will be notified in a timely manner when you need them to pick up their kids.

Emergencies are never anticipated, they can happen at any time and when they do, they usually catch at least a few parents unaware. How much better would it be to have emergency alerts that could reach a parent no matter where they happen to be, by using all the contact information you've collected about a parent to ensure that parent can be reached.

When the school must close because the power is out or there's a water leak, you'll be able to make contact with parents right away and have them either come to pick up their children or have them waiting for them at home. Emergency alerts are great for parents, who want to be alerted when there is a class cancellation for bad weather or for any other reason.

With the Parent Reach system you can have so much more than just emergency alerts; you can use it for general broadcasts which include anything you want to get to the parents - whether to a single grade, the whole school or the entire school district. You can use it to let them know about fundraising events, take polls, remind them about a field trip or any number of other announcements that need to be made to a large group of parents. You can also use the system to contact much smaller groups -- for meetings, special notices, or to inform parents of absentee children that their child hasn't shown up for school.

Another use for Parent Reach is to allow teachers to contact individual parents or whole grades to alert them to parent teacher conferences, school parties, team practice or report cards; or that a note was sent home with their child. While designed for emergency alerts this system in infinitely customizable to be used for a wide range of alerts and notifications.

The Parent Reach emergency alerts help to bridge the gap between busy on the go parents and the school that cares for their children during the day. It gives the school a way to ensure that the parents are up to date on what is going on at school, and it gives parents the peace of mind knowing that they will be instantly alerted in case of an emergency or school cancellation. Visit us at ParentReach if you would like to know about our system and how to get it for your school or district.

ParentREACH™ 150 Beekman Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10038 Phone: (800) US-AMFAX Fax: 800-314-5330
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