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School Closing Alert  School Closing Alert  

In years past, parents and children would often sit anxiously around the television or radio on days when there was too much snow on the ground, waiting for a school closing alert. This may have been great news for the children and bad news for the adults, but no matter how they responded, it would often be difficult to plan one's day when you needed to sit for so long before you heard your school being announced.

Times have changed of course many will receive a school closing alert online before it ever gets announced on the radio or television. In some school districts you can even sign up for email notifications so that you know immediately when a decision has been made. There are many benefits to using an automated system or subscribing to a type of school closing alert this way, and those benefits include more than just knowing if the children can run back to bed and have a day off.

Early notification.

One great benefit to an automated or electronic school closing alert system is that you get notified as soon as a decision has been made regarding closure. This can be in the morning when there is bad weather or it can be in the middle of the day when there is an emergency of any sort. Early and instant notification means being able to plan your own day for your family and it also means ensuring that your child is gotten home safely during the day when there is a school closing alert due to an emergency.


In some cases you might get a school closing alert on the radio or elsewhere and then find out that it has been recalled, except that you have already left your office or taken your child home with you. Early and instant notifications of recalls can mean better planning for your schedule and also ensuring that your child doesn't miss a school day due to these recalls that you receive too late.

Emergencies during the day.

A generation ago, parents rarely worried about a school closing alert in the middle of the day except for extreme weather conditions. Today, however, terrorist attacks or school shootings make it necessary for schools to be shut down even if they suspect such a threat. Parents want to ensure that their child is cared for properly during this time and having an instant and automated school closing alert sent to your email or phone can mean making sure your family is safe.

This is important because often parents are not at home, watching television or listening to the news during the day. They may miss a school closing alert when they're working, if they don't opt for such an automated system. Having this alert sent to your phone or email can mean not missing this important information during the day. These are just a few of the benefits of an automated school closing alert.

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